You have to find the investing lane you are most comfortable with.
You want "passive" monthly income? You can own a rental property, and have the tenants pay the mortgage and upkeep and hopefully make a profit. And if managed and selected correctly you will.
OR, you could buy dividend paying stocks and not deal with a piece of property.
There is no hard core right or wrong IMHO.
I have done both in my life.
I had rental properties years ago which worked out well for me. Sold them as I spent more time with my kids bringing them to ice hockey dance, etc :)
When I as looking for a home down the Jersey Shore 2 years ago, I was hoping to find a 2 family home. I would live in one part, the other I'd rent out.
Limited supply and an overpriced market prevented that. Instead I have a single family home with a 3.5% mortgage.
With the money I didn't use, I have invested in a dividend fund that yield around 3.5%. So in time that will pay my mortgage.
Bottom line, I have always owned. I want the "control" of my home.