Great piece Kathleen. I'm 63 and down shifting towards retirement.
2 years ago I moved and took a work from home job doing what I love, providing financial education. I help people with their employer retirement plans.
Right now I am sitting in my dining room in an 18 year old sweatshirt from my son's former high school and in sweatpants looking like the dud from Mystery Date. So I save on clothes and no more dry clean bills :)
I make all my meals, so saving on food costs there.
I do have a commute, it's to the beach. It's 15 minutes from me, so I can go in the morning, sometimes for lunch and after work I can go watch the sunset.
Working from home allows me to chase my passion for writing. So the time I save getting dressed and commuting I can channel into writing.
This has been a game changer in my life. Perhaps some of your readers can find a WFH career.